Home / Series / Bob Gymlan / Aired Order / Season 1 / Episode 62

Ex-Cryptids and the FULL saga of the Bili Ape

In this video, I will discuss 3 animals that were once considered to be cryptids. It is a demonstration on cryptozoology. The very real creatures are the Coelacanth , the Giant Squid, and the Bili Ape. All three creatures have unique properties that helped them develop a mythology of their own. Of particular note, is the Bili Ape, so much has been said about them, and I hope this video solidifies the long and drawn saga. They are fascinating, but not for the reasons that many people may think.

  • Originally Aired March 29, 2020
  • Runtime 30 minutes
  • Created September 16, 2022 by
  • Modified September 16, 2022 by