Joel Goodman and Russell Evans (Corey Parker, Matt Roth) are partners in a small mail-order business celebrating its first anniversary. First up: after being scammed by their accountant (Richard Kind), the guys hire spirited Harvard MBA Ellie Baskin.
Joel must choose between friendship and the company when Russell and Ellie cast opposing votes on whether to sponsor the embezzling Kenny (Richard Kind) in a prison work-release program.
Russell dates Ellies' cousin, a gorgeous overachiever—and a bore. But Russell promised Ellie that he wouldn't break her cousin's heart.
Sales skyrocket on Blue Skies' fishing hats after an overindulgent rock star is seen sporting the original—which Russell had reluctantly given to a flaky model he dated.
John Forsythe plays Ellie's imposing father, who won't take no for an answer when she defiantly refused the senior vice presidency of his global business empire.
No write-up available at this time.
The company ""no-dating"" rule is put to the test after Ellie breaks up with her live-in lover, leaving her vulnerable—and needy.
A girl who Joel slept with in Spain shows up in Boston looking for him.