Carl ist wütend darüber, dass er Saya nicht töten darf und gerät mit Amshell in einen Streit. Zur gleichen Zeit konfrontieren Saya und Hagi Diva im Opernhaus.
James and Diva leave to go to a luncheon, but Diva gets him to take her to Royal Covent Garden so she can sing. David meets with Mao and Okamura who tell him that Diva's opera is being jointly sponsored by Cinq Fleches and Goldsmith Holdings, that the two companies have partnered to produce food for the military forces across the countries, and that they have a research facility on the outskirts of London being run by Van. David uses a stolen ID to infiltrate the lab where he discovers Julia and learns a little more about the research being done. He's almost captured by Van who remembered David from Vietnam, but David instead uses Van as a hostage to escape. At the opera house, Saya, Hagi, and Kai battle with James while Nathan watches. Saya's sword is unable to penetrate James' iron-like skin, leaving James an opportunity to kill Saya. However, Nathan stops him and makes him leave, promising Saya he would find her a "suitable" stage to die on. Weakened from the battle, Saya feeds on Hagi. Kai turns away, then looks back to find both have left.
Pendant que diva répète en vue de son opéra, Okamura et Mao ont effectué les recherches demandées par David. L'opéra est subventionné par Les Cinq Flèches qui, plus intéressant, a récemment obtenu des contrats militaires un peu partout dans le monde, et même avec l'ONU. Un centre de recherche se trouve à Londres.
David s'y introduit et découvre une gigantesque cuve, où flotte des ovoïdes contenant des créatures humanoïdes...
Carl fica furioso por não ser ele quem vai matar Saya.
Karl está infeliz porque Amshel no le deja matar a Saya. Mientras, James lleva a Diva al Covent Garden a ensayar junto a Nathan. David, siendo informado por Okamura de que Cinco Flechas tiene sede en Londres, se infiltra y descubre soldados de la Armada Zombie fabricados por Julia. Van Argiano, que estaba mirando las cámaras de seguridad, se le aparece con soldados, pero David consigue hacerlo un rehén y escapa.