Home / Series / Le sang de la vigne / Aired Order / Season 5 / Episode 3

Black Wine Chaos

Benjamin Lebel and his assistant Mathilde go to Cahors to evaluate the wine production of the estate of Mr. Edouard Perolles.When they begin the wine tasting, they have a bad surprise: the wine is very foul.In the wine tank No 13 they find a corpse.The man has been severely hit and put in the wine tank.Nodody knows his identity.The police captain Medraoui makes a lot of questions to Mr. Perolles (about the guests who have come to the estate or about the workers of the estate).On his side Benjamin Lebel begins his own investigation.

français English
  • Originally Aired December 27, 2014
  • Runtime 90 minutes
  • Network France 3
  • Notes Is a season finale
  • Created September 27, 2021 by
  • Modified September 27, 2021 by
Name Type Role
Didier Vinson Writer
Marcel Amont Guest Star
Atmen Kelif Guest Star
Lannick Gautry Guest Star
Guillaume Gabriel Guest Star
Julia Molkhou Guest Star
Didier Bezace Guest Star
Marc Rivière Director