Als der junge Sam Burglass aus dem Fenster seiner Wohnung im siebten Stock stürzt, erinnert sich Dunbar daran, dass er vor Jahren bereits mit dem Selbstmörder zu tun hatte: Sam hatte damals einen Mann namens Doyle des sexuellen Missbrauchs beschuldigt - Doyle konnte jedoch nichts nachgewiesen werden, und er gelangte auf freien Fuß. Die Suche nach den Ursachen für Sams Sprung führt erneut zu Doyle. Doch wieder gelingt es Dunbar nicht, ihn zu überführen ...
Sam Berglass who had sought a couple years ago to put away his former swim coach, Warren Doyle for molesting him when he was a teenager is found dead after falling seven floors from his apartment window. Jim was previously part of the investigation into the deceased's claims of abuse, which failed to make a conviction as the case was thrown out due to the lack of evidence. He suspects that Doyle is somehow involved in Sam's death and crusades to have him brought to justice.
As the evidence begins to mount against Doyle, Jim believes that he may not be guilty of this crime as something is off about the circumstances surrounding this death. Still certain that the man they have in custody is a child molester, Jim debates whether he and Karen should investigate further and seek out evidence that could put this man back on the streets and endanger the lives of other children. Meanwhile, Karen begins happily dating a nightclub owner, but Jim learns from a former colleague that this new g
Il y a quelques années, Sam Berglass a tenté d'assassiner Warren Doyle, son ancien professeur de natation, qui avait abusé de lui quand il était adolescent. Berglass est retrouvé mort. Il a fait une chute de sept étages. Jim avait participé à l'enquête sur les allégations de Berglass, sans trouver de preuves contre Doyle. Il est convaincu que le professeur de natation est impliqué dans la mort de Berglass et veut tout faire pour qu'il soit jugé.
Sam Berglass muore dopo essere precipitato dal settimo piano dell'edificio in cui viveva. I sospetti si concentrano su Warren Doyle, un uomo che due anni prima Jim aveva cercato di far condannare per molestie su minori. Ma Doyle continua a proclamare la sua innocenza. Jim e Karen trovano alcune prove che potrebbero convalidare la versione che il sospettato ha fornito ai detective.
Den unge Sam Berglass styrter i døden fra 11. sal - og meget tyder på, at han ikke sprang frivilligt. Det er ikke første gang, Jim Dunbar efterforsker en sag, der involverer Berglass. Berglass anklagede sin svømmelærer, Warren Doyle, for at have misbrugt ham seksuelt, da han var teenager, men Doyle blev frikendt på grund af manglende beviser. Nu beslutter Jim sig for at kigge Doyle efter i sømmene igen.