The clan accepts a quest from Carina's father, Grand Duke Fabious. Fabious has detected a dangerously strong concentration of El, the magical substance that brought Minette to life, in his treasure chamber, and wants Oasis to remove it. In the treasure chamber, Chelsea senses the El behind a locked door said to lead to the realm of dragons. Carina uses her magic to unlock the door and the group passes though to a forest where they are immediately attacked by a crystal monster in the form of a dragon. No one, including Ritos and Salsa, who try to steal a march on the group, is able to defeat the monster until Minette, who came along despite Leicester's objections, captures its magic by means of the anima perla. A real dragon in the form of a girl who calls herself Garnet appears and gives Minette a glowing red and yellow sphere in thanks. The episode ends at the beach, where Leicester must think quickly to avoid offending any of the girls when asked to choose which has the prettiest swimsuit.
El clan acepta una misión del padre de Carina, el Gran Duque Fabious. Fabious ha detectado una concentración peligrosamente fuerte de El, la sustancia mágica que trajo a Minette a la vida, en su cámara del tesoro, y quiere que Oasis la elimine. En la cámara del tesoro, Chelsea siente el El detrás de una puerta cerrada que se dice que conduce al reino de los dragones.