Kira finishes his fight against Kifune and gains the Bakkuto as proof. Meanwhile Ichigo, Rukia and Amagai are faced with Hitsugaya`s squad. While the captains fight against each other Rukia has to deal with Matsumoto so that Ichigo can go search for Lurichiyo. After Renji presents the evidence of treason to Captain-Commander Yamamato he orders the 13 Protection Squads to break into the Kasumi-Ooji mansion.
L'intensa battaglia tra Kira e Kibune continua presso l'arena di combattimento della Terza compagnia. Kibune, che è stanco di non essere preso sul serio nonostante il suo potente reiatsu, ha deciso di prendere parte alla cospirazione di Kumoi.
La intensa batalla entre Izuru Kira y Makoto Kibune continúa en el cuartel de la 3ª División.
Kira eindigt zijn gevecht tegen Kifune en krijgt de Bakkuto als bewijs. Ondertussen moeten Ichigo, Rukia en Amagai het opnemen tegen Hitsugaya's divisie.