Hitsugaya speaks with Hinamori through the big-screen TV, who apologizes for falsely believing he could have assassinated Captain Aizen. Ichigo endurance trains his Hollow form with Hiyori, and Orihime finds the Vizard hideout and recaps him on Aizen's plans. Uryū's strength begins to waver and he does not know how much longer he can hold out against his father's relentless attacks, believing he might kill him with his next few. In desperation Uryū uses his last silver tube to try and seal his father's movements and end the training session.
Orihime rejoint Ichigo chez les Vizards pour lui expliquer le plan de Aizen. Pendant ce temps, Sado est entraîné par Renji et Uryû continue son combat contre son père. Ce dernier finit par le battre, et prétend qu'Uryû a retrouvé ses pouvoirs de Quincy.
Ichigo continua ad allenarsi con i Vizard per riuscire a estendere il tempo in cui riesce a combattere sfruttando i poteri della maschera. Orihime cerca Ichigo per informarlo sul vero obiettivo di Aizen.
Ichigo wird weiter von den Vizards trainiert und malträtiert um seine Hollow-Werdung über längere Zeit aufrechtzuerhalten. Überraschend taucht Orihime dort auf.
El objetivo de Aizen de matar al Rey de las Almas ha sido descubierto. La Sociedad de Almas ha aprendido que para entrenar al palacio de la Familia Real, Aizen necesitará una llave conocida como Ouken, y si la consigue crear, Karakura será destruida.
Hitsugaya praat met Hinamori via een enorme televisie. Ze verontschuldigt zich voor het hebben kunnen denken dat hij Kapitein Aizen had vermoord. Ichigo traint met Hiyori om zijn Hollow vorm langer vol te kunnen houden.