Hitsugaya, Renji, and Matsumoto contiune there battle and are struggling due to the limiters placed on them. Ririn, Cloud, Nova and Ururu try to help Renji, but are beaten down. Ururu gets II-Forte to release, due to her attacks.Shawlong explains how the Arrancar number system works. And how he thinks HItsugaya's bankai works. As this is happening Ichigo is not even denting Grimmjaw and is forced to use Bankai. Meanwhile Hitsugaya is having much problems with his opponent who is now in released form. Before things get really bad however, Matsumoto reciveves a call they seem to have been waiting for. The good news: no more limit on their power. The ending scene shows all three of them releasing massive amounts of reiatsu.
Tôshirô Hitsugaya affronte Shaolon Kufang.
Lo scontro tra Ikkaku e Edrad è volto al termine, mentre quello tra Toshiro e Shawlong si fa sempre più acceso. Così come le battaglie che vedono impegnati Renji e Yylfordt e Ichigo e Grimmjow.
Die Kämpfe der Soul Society Offiziere gegen die Arrancar gehen weiter. Diesmal müssen Renji und Hitsugaya ran. Die kleine Ururu entwickelt erstaunliche Kräfte.
Los Shinigamis luchan desesperadamente contra la fuerza indómita de los Arrancars. A pesar del poderosa fuerza del Arrancar Shawlong. El Capitán Hitsugaya continúa sus ataques pero descubre en mitad del combate que hay Arrancars mucho más poderosos llamados Espada.
Hitsugaya, Renji en Matsumoto gaan verder met hun gevecht, maar ze hebben moeite door de limiteerders die op hen zijn geplaatst. Ririn, Cloud en Ururu proberen Renji te helpen, maar worden neergeslagen.