Kyoraku allows Ukitake to join him in fighting Starrk. Starrk fights Ukitake for a bit and notices his shikai's technique which absorbs his cero's and shoot it back out again. Just then, a huge garganta opens up and reveals Wonderweiss and another gigantic hollow next to him. Wonderweiss then comes to each Esapada's aid by stabbing Ukitake in the chest while Starrk shoots Kyoraku with a cero making both Kyoraku and Ukitake faint to the ground. Wonderweiss then uses one of his loud screams which shatters the ice that Harribel was trapped in and she escapes unharmed. Wonderweiss then blows of the smoke remaining after Soifon's bankai missile out of Barragan making him resume his place. Just when all the Shinigami's begin to panic, the Vizards make an unsuspecting arrival right in front of Aizen, Gin and Tosen. It then goes to a little flashback of how the Vizards became Vizards and what Aizen did to them many years ago.
Ukitake si unisce a Kyoraku nello scontro con Stark. Intanto si apre sulla falsa Karakura un gigantesco Garganta da cui appare Wonderweiss accompagnato da un enorme Hollow. Il giovane Arrancar colpisce Ukitake e, approfittando della distrazione, Stark atterra anche Kyoraku. Wonderweiss libera dunque anche Harribel e soffia via il fumo che ricopriva Baraggan, mentre il gigantesco Hollow estingue le fiamme che intrappolavano i Capitani traditori. Quando la situazione sembra disperata, appaiono i Vizard pronti allo scontro.
Kyoraku está en problemas, y Ukitake, que estaba observando la batalla, entra en acción. Ukitake usa una técnica contra Stark que un Shinigami no debería poder usar, y Stark se sorprende.
Укитакэ и Кёраку начинают сражение против Старрка. Появляется Вандервайс вместе с Меносом и освобождают Тию, Баррагана, Айдзэна, Гина и Тосэна из ловушек созданных синигами. Вандервайс и Старрк серьёзно ранят Укитакэ и Кёраку. Кажется уже что битва проиграна, как вдруг появляются Вайзарды и начинают сражение с арранкарами.