The shinigami discuss Byakuya's betrayal, and the discovery that if a zanpakuto is killed by anyone other than its owner, it will be unusable. Byakuya returns to the zanpakutos' hideout, and proves his loyalty by defeating and seemingly killing Sode no Shirayuki, leaving Rukia unable to use her zanpakuto. Rukia and Renji investigate Byakuya's office, but Byakuya arrives with Senbonzakura, tossing Rukia the broken remains of her zanpakuto. Zabimaru arrives to help Renji fight Byakuya and Senbonzakura, but they are overpowered and several zanpakuto, including Tenken, Houzukimaru, Wabisuke, Rurio Kujaku and Gonryomaru, arrive. The Second Division surrounds the zanpakuto, the zanpakutos' owners come out to fight them, and Ichigo confronts Byakuya.
La 13ª División, particularmente, Renji y Rukia, se quedan sorprendidos por la reciente noticia de que Byakuya se ha aliado con Muramasa. Mientras tanto, dentro de la guarida de Muramasa, la zanpakuto se muestra disconforme.
Byakuya deve dimostrare alle zanpakuto che è davvero dalla loro parte. Gli chiedono di distruggere la zanpakuto di Rukia e lui obbedisce. Renji e Rukia non si danno pace dopo la notizia del probabile tradimento di Byakuya.