Alois kontrolliert immer noch Ciels Körper. Mit Hannah hat er einen Vertrag mit geschlossen, der beinhaltet, dass entweder Sebastian oder Claude sein Dasein als Teufel beenden muss. Doch das ist noch nicht alles …
Sebastian, Claude, and Hannah row a boat with Ciel's body to a remote island. Hannah says that both Sebastian and Claude will fight a true Demon's Duel for the right to claim Ciel's soul. After removing the Demon Blade from her body, Hannah places the sword in a cave and the two demon butlers begin their duel. Both butlers take the sword back and forth between them but neither manages to make a fatal blow. Sebastian, feeling confined by the cave, uses the sword to split the island in half creating a large fissure in the ground. In limbo, Ciel and Alois comment on the fight, with Ciel saying Alois doesn't understand Sebastian's motivations. Alois concedes the point, and apologizes for using Ciel for his own purposes. The battle appears to be a stalemate until Claude lands on a rock that gives way under him, causing him to lose his balance. The momentary distraction allows Sebastian to plunge the Demon Blade through Claude's body. Sebastian comments that Alois has been 'playing' with Claude all this time and he never realized it. As he dies, Claude comments that Alois managed to make a 'small ripple' in the long, boring life of a demon, so perhaps Alois's soul was more precious than he thought. Hannah sheds tears of joy and reveals that the contract Alois made with Hannah was to get Claude to acknowledge him. Sebastian comes for Ciel, but Hannah falls to the ocean below with him speaking unheard words that shock Sebastian. He dives in after Ciel and after reaching him, he kills Ciel just as he awakens. Back on the island, Hannah lies down with Claude's body, saying that she, Claude, Alois, and his brother can now all be together. Some time later, Ciel awakens in bed with Sebastian preparing him tea. As Ciel is dressed by Sebastian, his eye takes on a demon glow. It is revealed that as a condition of Alois's wish being fulfilled, Alois asked that Hannah makes Ciel's soul unattainable by either Sebastain or Claude. She did this by causing Ciel to be reborn as a demon. A
Le duel pour l'âme de Ciel entre les deux diables de majordomes fait rage, quel en sera le dénouement final ?
Сражение продолжается, но уже на острове Демонов (том самом, на котором в конце первого сезона Себастьян должен был поглотить душу Сиэля). По требованию контракта с Анной или Клод, или Себастьян должны прекратить свое существование даже как демон. Демоны сражаются за демонический меч, единственное оружие, способное убить демона, и Микаэлис побеждает пронзив им Клода Фаустуса. Вот только Себастьян не знает, что главное условие контракта с Анной — кто бы не победил, Сиэль перерождается в демона и его душу нельзя поглотить. Теперь Себастьян обязан служить ему вечно. Сам же Сиэль покидает мир людей, оставляя всем остальным героям подарки.
Sebastian, Claude y Hannah remaron en un bote con el cuerpo de Ciel hacia una isla remota. Hannah dice que tanto Sebastian como Claude lucharán en un verdadero duelo de demonios por el derecho a reclamar el alma de Ciel. Después de quitar la espada demoníaca de su cuerpo, Hannah coloca la espada en una cueva y los dos mayordomos demoníacos comienzan su duelo. Ambos mayordomos se llevan la espada de un lado a otro pero ninguno logra dar un golpe fatal. Sebastian, sintiéndose confinado por la cueva, usa la espada para dividir la isla por la mitad creando una gran fisura en el suelo. En el limbo, Ciel y Alois comentan sobre la pelea, y Ciel dice que Alois no entiende las motivaciones de Sebastian. Alois reconoce el punto y se disculpa por usar a Ciel para sus propios fines. La batalla parece estar en un punto muerto hasta que Claude aterriza en una roca que cede debajo de él, lo que le hace perder el equilibrio.