As the contestants wake up to the famous Mitwa from the patriotism instilling movie Lagaan, the theme for the day is unknowingly set. The first conversation in the house revolves around heartbeats almost stopping when Prince declares that he would reclaim his bags for Rs. 30 Lakhs. Staying true to the theme of the song, Bigg Boss announces the Lagaan task. Appointing Aman and Kishwer as the zamindaars and Arvind Vegda as the supervisor of the task, the rest of the housemates are given the role of workers.
All corners of the house barring the garden area are cordoned to the workers and zamindaars are given the duty of cutting tax every time a ‘worker’ contestant wishes to visit any of the obstructed areas. As per the task, the workers are required to ground flour in pairs and sell a packet full of flour to the zamindaars for a negotiable price. The winner is to be declared depending on which team has the most number of coins. The zamindaars are against the workers and can manipulate the ‘tax rate’ according to their whims and fancies.
Realising that the task is in favour of the zamindaars, the worker contestants immediately put a strategy behind their game. The task sends the whole house into frenzy and changes equations across the house, creating rifts between partners and other housemates alike. While problems between Mandana and Keith surface in front of all housemates, new difficulties arise between Rochelle and Vikas. As a result of Vikas and Mandana are also seen at loggerheads for quite a few reasons. Rochelle and Mandana team up and claim that Vikas has a strong male ego while his partner Yuvika also bears the brunt of dehydration and faints.
Later, Rochelle is seen telling Keith how she also wants to become the captain of the house but Rimi is going to be the antagonist in fulfilling her desire. Announcing that the housemates are breaking rules in the house, Bigg Boss pulls up captain jodi ‘Yuvikas’ for the housemates speaking English. Followi