Cricket and Tilly head to Nancy's for Mom Night where they can have as much fun as they want. However, Nancy's old biker gang, the Stingers, arrive and steal her trailer for betraying them. Now, Nancy, Cricket and Tilly must race their leader, Skids, for the return of Nancy's only home.
O trailer de Nancy é roubado por sua antiga gangue de motociclista e as crianças tentam recuperá-lo.
La roulotte di Nancy viene rubata dai suoi vecchi compagni di scorribande, ma i ragazzi la aiutano a recuperarla.
Nancys Wohnwagen wird von ihrer alten Bikergang gestohlen. Die Kinder tun sich zusammen, um ihn wiederzubekommen
La caravane de Nancy est volée par son ancien gang de motards. Les enfants font équipe pour le récupérer