On Black Thanksgiving Friday, the Greens spot an ad for low prices for TVs at Price Busters. At Cricket's urging, the family goes shopping, but quickly learn that the store's manager, Louis, lowers the price so that he can watch shoppers furiously fight one another over items.
Cricket convence a família a comprar uma TV nova em uma promoção de Ação de Graças.
Cricket convince la famiglia ad approfittare delle offerte del Ringraziamento per comprare un nuovo televisore.
Um sich ein Angebot für einen neuen Fernseher nicht entgehen zu lassen, überzeugt Cricket seine Familie, am Thanksgiving-Verkaufstag auf Schnäppchenjagd zu gehen.
Cricket convainc la famille de profiter des offres de Thanksgiving et d'acheter un nouveau téléviseur.