Biff Baker is a vigorous, resourceful, and inquisitive young American whose activities as an importer take him to all parts of the world. In his travels, with his attractive wife, he meets with many strange and challenging situations.Biff becomes an espionage agent in a Czech town to get information back to the Americans.
A ring of counterfeiting Parisian artists try to dupe Bill and Louise Baker into smuggling a world famous painting into the United States.
Biff Baker must deal with an enemy who has been transformed by plastic surgery.
Biff and his wife are involved with an American pilot who has crashed inside Red territory.
While exploring the Swiss Alps, Biff and Louis discover a cave once used as a Nazi counterfeiting center.
Biff photographs a running fight in the streets of London.
Biff and Louise whiff an exotic new perfume in the hallway of their hotel that leads them to a gang of international spies.
Biff and Louise experience a jittery Atlantic crossing with dangerous saboteurs who plan to blow up the ship.
Biff takes out a fuse from a bomb that was dropped into a Yugoslav town by an American bomber.
Biff breaks the bank at Monte Carlo but is then robbed by his beautiful tipster.
Biff and Louise rescue the daughter of an internationally known scientist who is victimized by foreign agents in search of top secret information.
Biff and Louise arrive in Portugal to buy a quantity of superior wine at a low price and are brought into contact with spies.
The star witness in a New York trial is hiding out in the same Key West, Florida hotel as Biff and Louise. She involves them in a gangland plot.
Between an epidemic of cholera and a road minded with explosives, Biff and Louise find plenty of excitement.
In Trinidad, Biff and Louise purchase three fabulously valuable pearls for a client only to have them stolen within ten minutes of the sale.
While visiting an old friend in Hawaii, Biff and Louise's host is jailed for murder.
Biff and his wife have a dangerous brush with some ruthless jewel smugglers.
An old friend of the Bakers is accused of being a spy in French Algiers.
A missing sacred idol and a sudden plague constitute an adventure for Biff.
Louise is abducted and taken to Red China while Biff tangles with Communists in Hong Kong.
The Bakers are caught in a panic when martial law is declared in Istanbul.
Biff and Louise are involved in an attempted murder at the American Embassy in London.