共働きで不在がちな両親のもと、妹たちの世話や家事に奔走していた夏川涼太は、大学進学を機に念願の一人暮らし!――かと思いきや、ひょんなことから幼馴染の田中一仁と暮らすことに。外見も性格も良い一仁には、なぜか彼女がいない。夏川は原因探しに付き合うが、ダメ出しする所が見つからないうえ、一仁の優しい言動にときめいてしまう。おまけに「彼女にはこんなことしない」という発言まで飛び出して…!? 互いに意識しまくりな同居生活が始まる――!
佐藤瑠雅×坂井翔 主演,讲述擅长家务的天真男孩夏川凉太和专情完美的人气男孩田中一仁之间的浪漫纯爱喜剧
With his parents working and often away, Ryota Natsukawa was busy taking care of his younger sisters and doing housework, but now that he's going to university, he's finally able to live on his own! - But then, by chance, she ends up living with his childhood friend, Kazuhito Tanaka. Kazuhito has a good appearance and personality, but for some reason he doesn't have a girlfriend. Natsukawa goes along with him to find the cause, but he can't find anything to complain about, and is thrilled by Kazuhito's kind words and deeds. She even went so far as to say, "I wouldn't do this to her"...! ? A cohabiting life where they are conscious of each other begins...!
Ryouta Natsukawa está começando a universidade quando descobre que seu colega de quarto será seu amigo de infância, Kazuhito Tanaka. Apesar da aparência impecável de Kazuhito, ele não tem namorada. Curioso para entender o motivo, Ryouta propõe que saiam juntos para ver se ele consegue identificar algum motivo para isso. No entanto, à medida que Ryouta conhece mais sobre Kazuhito, o relacionamento entre eles se transforma. Eles permanecerão apenas amigos? Ou esse relacionamento se tornará algo mais?
대학생이 되어 집을 나오게 된 료타는 뜻밖의 사태로 소꿉친구 카즈히토와 동거한다. 외모도 성격도 완벽한 카즈히토가 제대로 된 연애를 하지 못하는 것을 알게 된 료타는 그가 자신을 좋아한다는 사실을 알게 된다.
Sur le point d'entrer à l'université, Natsukawa Ryota est impatient de vivre seul et en toute liberté, après avoir consacré beaucoup de temps à s'occuper de sa petite sœur pendant ses années lycées. Cependant, sa surprise est grande lorsqu'il découvre que son colocataire n'est autre que Tanaka Kazuhito, un ami d'enfance.
Alors qu'ils commencent à vivre ensemble, leur relation se développe progressivement, Ryota prenant conscience des changements survenus chez Kazuhito, devenu un jeune homme presque parfait. À mesure qu'ils partagent leur quotidien, Ryota commence à développer des sentiments pour son ami d'enfance.