Today, in the first decade of the 21st century, the United States is facing an energy crossroads. In the next 40 years, by the year 2050 more or less, we will have to rebuild all of our power plants, reduce greenhouse gases by 50%, and completely transform our power grid--all while meeting a 30% increase in demand for electric power. How will we do that? Episode 1 discusses our current energy mix and their associated benefits and challenges: coal (carbon capture and sequestration), natural gas (hydraulic fracturing), and the renaissance of nuclear power.
Episode 2 continues the discussion of our current energy mix and their associated benefits and challenges. Nuclear energy now supplies 70% of our low-carbon electricity. There have been no major accidents in the United States since Three Mile Island, but some close calls: corrosion detected in 2002 at the Davis-Besse plant could have caused a meltdown if uncorrected. All of the current U.S. nuclear plants are to be retired in the next 40 years, but cost overruns and the continuing problem of nuclear waste disposal cast doubt on the long-term viability of nuclear power.