Tyson hat seinen ersten Kampf verloren und gibt Daichi dafür die Schuld. Im zweiten Kampf tritt Raul von den F Dynasty gegen Kai von den Blitzkrieg Boys an, Raul verliert das Match. Im dritten Kampf stehen sich Claude von den Barthez Battalion und Rick von den PPB All Starz gegenüber.
Tyson blames his embarrassing loss to Ray on Daichi, telling the team he is better off competing alone. As Tyson runs away, the US Finals continue with Rick of the PPB All Starz against Claude of Barthez Battalion. Claude’s skill gives him the upper hand until Rick’s unleashes his full power, destroying the stadium to get to Rapid Eagle. Barthez orders Claude not to avoid the shrapnel and he is injured, turning the crowd against the PPB All Starz. Despite losing, Barthez is delighted to have undermined the US’s popularity. Hiro finds Tyson and challenges him to a duel, defeating him easily. Tyson makes more excuses – the World Champion can never show weakness. Hiro walks away... until Tyson allows himself to admit his weakness, he will never grow stronger.
Takao culpa a su vergonzosa derrota a Rei en Daichi, diciendo al equipo que está mejor que compiten solos. Como Takao se escapa, la pierna Estados Unidos continúa con el Neo Borg frente a frente contra el F Sangre. Después de una batalla invisible entre Yuri y Julia (que terminó con la derrota de este último), Kai lucha Raúl, que trata de aferrarse con su antorcha de Pegaso, pero termina fácilmente eliminado por el nuevo Dranzer conciertos.