Die World Championships finden in der Biovolt Arena in Moskau statt, die die Biovolt Corporation gesponsert hat. Die Bladebreakers machen sich Sorgen um Kai, weil er kurz vor Beginn des Turniers immer noch nicht da ist. In der ersten Runde treten die All Starz gegen die Demolition Boys an. Die ersten zwei Kämpfe gewinnen die Demolition Boys im Handumdrehen. Im dritten, alles entscheidenden Kampf tritt für die Demolition Boys ein Überraschungsspieler an: Kai!!! Die Bladebreakers sind von dieser unerwarteten Situation total geschockt. Kai fordert das gesamte Team der All Starz heraus und gewinnt! Anschließend nimmt er die Bit Beasts seiner Gegner einfach an sich und verlässt die Arena!Die Demoltion Boys sind eine Runde weiter.
It's the first day of the Beyblade World Championships in Moscow, and as our heroes leave their hotel, they still haven't been able to locate Kai who's been missing for some time now. Regardless, they arrive at the tournament and meet up with both the White Tigers and the All Starz who invite them to watch their first match against the Demolition Boys. At first things seem fairly normal, that is, until they start to battle. Things go from bad to worse for the All Starz who are no match for the Demolition Boys who quickly go up 2-0 in the best of five events. In the next match, Michael has to square off against a mystery member of the Demolition Boys and it turns out to be none other than Kai, who has defected from the Bladebreakers. In the final battle, Kai takes on all the All Starz at once... and wins!! After his victory, he commands the All Starz Bit Beasts to enter his blade and he announces to the world that he now possesses the most powerful Beyblade in the world!!
I BB partecipano ad un torneo amichevole promosso da Vorkov, anche se Kei non è ancora rientrato. Nel primo turno la squadra russa combatterà contro la squadra statunitense. Ivan combatte contro Steve e vince in pochi minuti. Nel secondo match Eddie perde clamorosamente contro Yuri. Inaspettatamente il terzo blader schierato dalla squadra russa è Kei. Il ragazzo non vuole combattere solamente contro Michael ma contro l'intera squadra statunitense. Kei riesce a sconfiggere tutti gli All Stars e ad imprigionare tutti i bit power degli avversari all'interno di Black Dranzer.
Son las finales del Campeonato Mundial de Beyblading y la batalla final enfrenta a Kai contra el campeón mundial defensor, Tyson. La pelea es increíblemente intensa y, lo que es aún más sorprendente, parece que los dos combatientes están tan igualados que puede que no haya un ganador. ¡Y eso es exactamente lo que pasa! ¡Al final de la batalla, Kai y Tyson abandonan al mismo tiempo! Ahora surge un dilema. El señor Dickenson tiene que tomar la decisión final y se inclina a llamarlo empate porque teme que si continúan la batalla, alguien pueda salir lastimado. Pero ...