The battle between teams “Multi-sama and I” and “Otokogoma” has finally reached the final battle! The third battle is a showdown between Multi and Cadover, who also operates the X Tower! Maruti will appear on stage with a flashy performance and liven up the venue wearing idol costumes. Persona is conscious of gaining votes as a team, and Multi works for her friends to stand out, but Cadover starts bringing up stories about Multi when she was working as a one-person team even before the battle…! ?
Finalmente chegou à batalha final entre as equipes "Srta. Multi e Eu" e "Piões Másculos"! A terceira batalha é o confronto final entre Multi e Kadovar, que também opera a Torre X! Multi sobe ao palco com uma performance chamativa e anima o local. A Equipe Persona tem consciência que precisa ganhar votos de equipe, e Multi trabalha para que seus amigos se destaquem, mas Kadovar começa a trazer à tona histórias sobre Multi quando ela lutava sozinha, antes mesmo da batalha começar...