David se musí učit a Donna za něj zaskakuje v rádiu. Brenda s Kelly chtějí, aby se Dylan rozhodl, se kterou z nich chce chodit. Cindy jim domluví společné rande s kluky z Princetonu. Ony čekají kluky z University, ale přijdou dva mladší kluci z Princetonské školy v Encinu (jednoho z nich hraje Seth Green). Brandon a Steve jdou na ilegální automobilové závody a Brandon tam pozná auto, které srazilo Andreu.
Während er die Strafe für den Einbruch in die Schule absitzt, lernt Steve Joe kennen, der ihn und Brandon zu einem illegalen Straßenrennen mitnimmt. Da hat Brandon den Verdacht, dass der gegnerische Fahrer derselbe ist, der Andrea angefahren hat. Die bekommt endlich die Zusage von Yale. Und von Jay einen Korb. Brenda und Kelly stellen Dylan unterdessen ein Ultimatum, sich zwischen ihnen zu entscheiden.
Two talking stars narrate an account of the gang's events during the week before Christmas. Brenda, Kelly and Dylan decide to be friends, but the arrangement falls apart after both girls make out with Dylan. Andrea is accepted to Yale, but gets dumped by her boyfriend. Nikki tells Brandon that she is moving back to San Francisco. Brandon and Andrea share a kiss while watching ""It's a Wonderful Life,"" but accuse each other of thinking about their exes. David is depressed about his mother's move to Portland and the fact that he will be left behind when everyone graduates. Everyone tries to back out of a trip to distribute gifts at an elementary school, but Donna and Mrs. Teasley force them to attend. Steve, who is forbidden from extracurricular activities as part of his probation, drives to the school on his own. The talking stars must prevent a fatal accident involving the school bus and a drunken garbage man, but divine intervention seems their only hope.
Music: 'Time to Be Lovers' by Michael McDonald and Chaka Khan, 'Little St. Nick' by the Beach Boys, 'Different Eyes' by Treason.
C'est l'époque de Noël ; Andrea apprend qu'elle est reçue à l'uninersité de Yale mais aussi que son copain l'a quittée... brando nretrouve Nicki, qui a décidé de rompre avec lui...
Come nel film La vita è meravigliosa, due angeli custodi, Clarence e Miriam, vegliano sul gruppo e li salvano da un incidente in autobus che minaccia di ucciderli tutti. Nel frattempo, Andrea viene accettata a Yale, Cindy scopre Brandon e Nikki a letto e Brenda e Kelly ordinano a Dylan di fare una scelta entro la notte di Capodanno.
Andrea se encuentra ya muy recuperada y ni siquiera necesita las muletas para caminar, ella finalmente es aceptada en Yale, pero Jay rompe con ella por carta. Cindy descubre a Brandon y Nikki acostados en la cama de la habitación de él. Nikki rompe con Brandon, y este y Andrea se consuelan mutuamente. Unos ángeles guardianes evitan que un autobús del campamento de verano de Alvarado choque antes de llegar a una fiesta en la que a dichos niños se les repartirán regalos y de la que Donna es una de sus principales organizadoras, Steve pide permiso para acudir a ese evento, y así mejorar su imagen académica. Steve deicde graduarse antes de la cuenta y Dylan debe decidir entre Kelly y Brenda en vísperas de Año Nuevo.