This episode is about the colorful and musical adventures of Francis "Lou" Deprijck. In recent years, the man has been portrayed primarily as a bon vivant and notorious womanizer, but he has sold nearly 20 million records in his lavish career. Lou is now 59, spends most of the year in Pattaya, but still spends the summer months in his native Lessines.
In 'Belpop Classcis', he reunites with his old pals from Two Man Sound: Sylvain Vanholme (founder of The Wallace Collection) and Pipou (who wrote the lyrics for 'Ça plane pour moi', among others). The broadcast will also feature some of Lou & The Hollywood Bananas ('Kingston, Kingston') and some of Lou's best-known musical discoveries: Viktor Lazlo and David Linx.
Lou Deprijck is not only weighed in this documentary, but pertinent questions are answered, such as how did it come about that Two Men Sound suddenly sold 1,000,000 records of 'Disco Samba' in Mexico? How Lou's world hit 'Ça plane pour moi' came about? Who really sang the song and why there have been lawsuits over that question? Lou also explains why he spent the night in a Brussels police cell when his poulain Viktor Lazlo presented the Eurovision Song Contest in 1987.