What do you know about your housemates..really? Peter, Brendan and Aaron play "I've never" and find out...well, a little too much about one another.
How much sex can one guy have in one night? Just ask Brendan! Check out what he's been up to on his first big night out on the town.
Would you rather a different guy every weekend, or a steady loyal partner? Aaron and Daniel talk it over.
Over some light pornographic entertainment the housemates discuss the epistomology of HIV.
"And then I want to wrap it around your waist and tie it up with my teeth!" One of the housemates gets busted having an intimate conversation. Guess who?
Can you get a rash down under from strawberries? Or is it time one of the housemates got a health check?
Aaron and Daniel are snuggling up in bed.....but are interrupted by the constant beeping of Aaron's phone.
Ever fucked up but don't quite know how to tell someone?
Did you know that every 60 years there is a 'Cycle of Gay'? No seriously it's got a name, 'Gay O'Clock'!
Being Brendo wraps up Series One with a road trip. nutrigrain, break ups and ironmen. A total head root!
The housemates are at it again, sharing stories about seeing parents naked and more...
Aaron meets up with someone via Grindr.
Brenda turns to counselling to work through her issues with Brendan's sexuality.
A random stranger at the train station catches more than just Peter's eye...
Davo and Brendan are waiting for an STI check up when they realise Davo has a date with destiny...
Jack and Aaron reveal their intimate stories...one of which cuts a little too deep!
Brendan gets swooped into a tricky situation, and discloses that...he's a FAN of the 'Mighty Pies'!
Something is still plaguing Aaron's mind...and it's not figuring out how to solve a Rubik's Cube!
Aaron's lost without it...
Peter lets loose...
Brenda tries to figure out how on EARTH could Brendo be gay?
Seems like everyone is shacking up...
A hot summer Sunday session...
Who's been wallowing in the dark?
Brenda, Jack, Jack, Brenda, Brandi, Jack, Jack Brandi.
Has anyone seen Jack?
Someone woke up on the wrong side of the floor!
Aaron gets a rude awakening.
Seems like the 'holiday cheer' has worn off...
Forgive and forget may not be as easy as it seems.
Step by step, heart to heart.
We're going to have a BABY!
Brendan and Jack open up...
Things are going in all kinds of directions...but what do the boys really want?
A lot can happen in a few weeks...
Peter and Toby have a big announcement to make...
The Rapture has dawned. You and [fill in the blank] are the last two standing...
Peter's got baggage...
Will Aaron EVER find true love?
Top me up Brendo!
This lemon one's sunny!
Dinner anyone?
Peter's list of DOs & DON'Ts turns out to be a real cracker!
Sometimes when you start the search to find help...you realise it's just around the corner.
Aaron is crazy about Stephen...
We can't always walk down the same path...
Brendan Abbott is recovering from the traumatic experience which was the series 4 cliffhanger. Let's hope he is in good hands!
Knock Knock...Knock Knock! KNOCK KNOCK!! BABY Maker calling...
Brendan opens up about his horrific beating. And....Pam Strickland is here to help!?!
Brendan is spending quality time with his family. Is quality no?
Family is Family! And 'apparently' some things never change...
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas! But what about before you arrive?
Don't 'panich', Zoltan is here!
Anyone for Jenga?
A BBQ to remember, or one that we'd all like to forget...
Let's start from the very beginning, it's a very good place to start.
The Navy, the Army, the Airforce? No the carpark is fine for the Zoltanator.
Did I hear you say musical?
Who will Aaron wake up with this series?
Looks like the guys have a new housemate!
Ah, the joys of the new workplace!
You do the maths.
Doctors orders!
Will Davo use his motor mouth to stand up for himself?
If and when you don't succeed, try and try again.
The heat is on!
"God is not gay, God is great!" Or is He....?
Aaron is feeling unlucky in love...again.
You don't have to say you love me....
It's late at night, the two of you are alone in a carpark...who wouldn't fantasize!
Reality fuses with reality TV, and weekdays fuse into the 'Weekend'. The result...
Where did...? What is...? Who is...? Name two...
"Don't leave me hanging on like a yo-yo!", you say? Well, it's that time again!!
Brenda's got her money on "Daddy's Boy". All bets are on... Who's your Daddy?
It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's the man of my dreams!?!
Brendo embarks on his quest to discover who his real father really is...
Moving out, coming in, moving on and coming out...
Every end is a new beginning...
The votes are in! It's time to GO ....?
People change guys! You know...shit happens!!
"Aaron! Aaron!" - or is it "Adrian?" Oh well, who really cares about Stallone these days anyway?!
Data Entry Report: NQR - NQR - NQR - Normal "You do the math!"
Life changing decisions, such as career choices, force any couple to question where they are heading...
There's no business like show business!
Sometimes the further away you are from someone, the closer they are to you in your heart.
This is the end, but perhaps a new beginning...