After Oga came back from his training he introduce his new technique called the "Zebul Emblem" and "Super Milk Time" (He learn it while he was training with Saotome and Black Baby Beel and Baby Beel is fighting over the milk and Oga Decide to drink it himself so Black Baby-Beel And Baby-Beel doesn't have anything to fight on) to remove the divider between Oga and Baby-Beel. Oga suddenly became powerful after drinking the milk and the demon power from Baby-Beel increase and Oga defeat the two Pillar heads and after that he became unconscious and the Pillar Head Naga also fight Oga and Oga drink more of the milk then He and Baby-Beel merge and they became more powerful Oga Grew a wing and Scattered the Zebul Emblem to surround the Pillar Heads and at last he defeated the three Pillar Heads and the top of Himekawa's hotel was destroyed due to the explosion.
Oga va enfin mettre à profit les enseignements qu’il a tirés de son entraînement avec Saotome. Les risques sont à la hauteur des enjeux : plus Oga se synchronisera avec Beelzebub, plus il pourra exploiter sa puissance illimitée de diable. Mais à trop abuser de son pouvoir, Oga court le risque de devenir démon, de ne plus pouvoir redevenir humain...
Oga aparece para enfrentarse a los sirvientes de maestro En. Al mismo tiempo, Aoi y los demás se enfrentan con algunos de ellos. Sin embargo, Oga les pide que le dejen acabar con ellos él solo. De esta forma, Oga demuestra sus horas de entrenamiento con Saotome con técnicas como el Zebel Emblem o como una técnica peligrosa en la que rompe el límite entre Oga y bebé Beel y Beel se adentra dentro del cuerpo de Oga.
Istituto Ishiyama contro Istituto Demonio. È ora della pappa, bello di tuo figlio!