The students of Ishiyama High settle in at St. Ishiyama, with all the significant characters being placed in the same classroom. Their new homeroom teacher, Sadohara, challenges Tojo to an arm wrestle to try to establish some authority over the class, failing miserably when Tojo accidentally slams him upside-down against the wall. He then picks a second target, Oga, who was sleeping in his seat, and wakes Oga in order to challenge him. Baby Beel is angry to have been woken and subsequently tantrums, shocking Oga and Sudohara. An aspiring delinquent from St. Ishiyama, Kazuya, goes searching for Oga after hearing rumors of his strength, bringing his childhood friend Azusa with him. A gang pick a fight with Oga and Furuichi in an alleyway, and upon fighting back, a gang member grabs Kazuya and Azusa, who were watching from the entrance of the alleyway, and threatens to hurt them if Oga does not submit. Aoi shows up and frees them, allowing Oga to now beat the gang senseless. As he's beating them, Baby Beel has a tantrum, electrocuting all of the gang members and Oga. Kazuya confuses this for Oga's attack. After leaving the alleyway, Kazuya begs Oga to take him under his wing.
Un nouveau trimestre commence mais le lycée Ishiyama est toujours en ruines. Les élèves vont donc être répartis dans divers lycées voisins et c’est à Saint-Ishiyama qu’Oga et Furuichi sont affectés. Mais arrivés là, une surprise les attend : ils retrouvent mélangés dans leur classe des élèves de toutes les années et pas n’importe lesquels : les Red Tail, le Quadriumvirat TKKH ou encore les MK5... D’autre part, Kazuya, un élève de Saint-Ishiyama, nourrit une secrète admiration pour les racailles et décide de les observer...
La vacaciones de verano han terminado y comienza un nuevo curso. El instituto Ishiyama continúa destruido por lo que todos los estudiantes fueron transferidos a diferentes institutos. De esta forma, Oga y Furuichi coinciden en el mismo colegio, St. Ishiyama. Pero lamentablemente, lo que parecía un curso tranquilo y sin delincuentes para Furuichi, se convierte en una pesadilla al estar en la misma clase con los más fuertes de su anterior colegio.
Dopo la distruzione dell'Ishiyama, la crema dei teppisti si ritroverà in classe speciale presso un altro Istituto. Che sia tutto causa delle anguille elettriche dell'Amazzonia?