Elizabeth, changed by her experiences, is determined to not fall into the same traps she did when last she was at Chelsea, but the return of Thomas into her life is a new test for her. While the court has been rocked by Mary’s defiance, the Lord Somerset is still more concerned with raising funds for the war in Scotland. As rebellions spring up across the country, a secret meeting with the French Ambassador, without the knowledge of the council or the king, sees even his closest friend, the Lord Dudley, begin to doubt Somerset’s strategy. As the Lord Somerset starts to lose the trust of even those close to him and with the king’s growing hatred of him, Thomas sees a chance to end the rule of the brother he believes has always kept him down. And Elizabeth is key to his plan.
El exitoso regreso de Elizabeth a la corte y a su favor se ve amenazado cuando Thomas intenta rehacer su vida y se acerca a ella con un plan temerario.
Geprägt von dem Erlebten ist Elizabeth entschlossen, nicht in dieselben Fallen zu treten, in die sie zuvor in Chelsea geraten war. Doch bald steht ihr eine neue Prüfung bevor. Während der Hof durch Marys Auflehnung erschüttert wird, wachsen Lord Somersets Sorgen um die Finanzierung des Krieges in Schottland.
Élisabeth, changée par ses expériences, est déterminée à ne pas tomber dans les mêmes pièges que la dernière fois qu'elle était à Chelsea, mais fait bientôt face à une nouvelle épreuve. Alors que la cour est secouée par l'attitude de défi de Marie, le lord Somerset est de plus en plus préoccupé par la collecte de fonds pour la guerre en Écosse.
O sucesso da volta de Elizabeth à corte fica ameaçado quando lhe apresentam um plano insensato.
Elizabeth, cambiata dalle sue esperienze, è determinata a non cadere di nuovo nelle trappole incontrate l’ultima volta che si è trovata a Chelsea, ma presto si trova davanti a una nuova prova. Mentre la corte è scossa dalla temerarietà di Mary, Lord Somerset continua a essere più preoccupato dai fondi per la guerra in Scozia.