In the first episode of this series we meet a brave teenager determined to live life to the full, and a family touched by warmth and kindness in their darkest hour. These are stories of humanity shining through, in a time of adversity. This powerful and emotional four part series follows the lives of the children, families and staff of Ty Hafan, the only children's hospice in South Wales.
In the second episode we experience the philosophical wisdom of an inspirational teenager and the love of a parent protecting a child fighting a cruel fate. These are stories of young people who live life to the full even when faced with incredible adversity. This moving four part series follows the precious lives of the children, the families and staff of Ty Hafan, the only children's hospice in
In this episode, we meet the twins whose beautiful smiles defy the cruelty of their unique condition and a teenage boy who laughs in the face of his illness. These are stories of humanity shining through in a time of adversity. This powerful and emotional series opens a window into the lives of the children, families and staff of Ty Hafan, the only children's hospice in South Wales.
This series opens a window into the lives of the children, families and staff of Ty Hafan, the only children's hospice in South Wales. In the last programme of the series, we meet families touched by warmth and kindness when dealing with the death of their child. These are stories of humanity shining through in a time of adversity.