Chris Morgan und Joe Pontecorvo lassen sich in der Wildnis Alaskas nieder, in der Nähe der größten Ansammlung von Graubären. Im Juni nützen die Bären die Zeit, um zu fressen, sich zu paaren und ihre Nachkommen großzuziehen. Morgan beobachtet die Entwicklung der Bären, während sie den Reichtum der Jahreszeit genießen und die komplexe hierarchisch aufgebaute, soziale Dynamik ihrer Bärengesellschaft erneut aufbauen.
Chris Morgan and Joe Pontecorvo set up camp at a remote spot in the heart of Alaskan wilderness, alongside the largest concentration of grizzlies in the world. It is June in the Alaska Peninsula. The sun sets well into night and bears are taking advantage of the long days to feed, mate, and raise new cubs. Morgan tracks their progress as they feast on the riches of the season and re-establish the complex hierarchal social dynamics of bear society. Along the way, he experiences close encounters with bears, observing brutal battles among males during mating season as well as tender moments between a grizzly mom and her cubs.
Chris Morgan and Joe Pontecorvo set up camp at a remote spot in the heart of Alaskan wilderness, alongside the largest concentration of grizzlies in the world. It is June in the Alaska Peninsula. The sun sets well into night and bears are taking advantage of the long days to feed, mate, and raise new cubs. Morgan tracks their progress as they feast on the riches of the season and re-establish the complex hierarchal social dynamics of bear society. Along the way, he experiences close encounters with bears, observing brutal battles among males during mating season as well as tender moments between a grizzly mom and her cubs.
Chris Morgan y Joe Pontecorvo instalan un campamento en un lugar remoto en el corazón del desierto de Alaska, junto con la mayor concentración de osos pardos en el mundo. Es junio en la península de Alaska. El sol se pone bien entrada la noche y los osos se están aprovechando de los largos días para alimentarse, aparearse y criar nuevos cachorros. Morgan sigue su progreso durante un festín con las riquezas de la temporada y vuelve a establecer las complejas dinámicas sociales jerárquicas de la sociedad oso. En el camino, experimenta encuentros cercanos con los osos, observando brutales batallas entre machos durante la época de apareamiento, así como momentos de ternura entre una madre de oso pardo y sus cachorros.