Da en løsrevet tysk sømine driver i land lige neden for hotellet, bliver det indledningen til en dramatisk afslutning på gæsternes ferie.
When a detached German sea mine is washed ashore right down from the hotel, it becomes the beginning of a dramatic end to the guests' holiday. But by then, the young German soldier Stefan is to be put in front of a court-martial, Mrs. Frigh needs to find out what happened to the charming fraud Emil Høyer, and actor Weyse will fall subject to an unreasonable accusation of having taken a political stand. In the meantime, Amanda once more gets the need of Lieutenant Kiessling, while Merchant Madsen's relationship with the occupying power is put to a conclusive test.
En dramatisk avslutning på gästernas semester tar sin början när en tysk flytmina driver i land nedanför hotellet.