Grosserer Madsen er tæt på at lukke købet af det billige tømmer, som Molin har foreslået ham. Imens prøver Molin ihærdigt at skjule, at han er på fallittens rand, og at træet ikke som påstået tilhører en af hans klienter, men derimod ham selv, købt for klientens penge uden dennes vidende. Samtidig skal Molin sørge for, at hans smukke hustru holder sig fra skuespiller Weyse. Til gengæld sker der gode ting for Amanda, der får solgt en idé om en reklamefilm med netop Weyse. Imens arrangerer fabrikant Frigh en kroketturnering, Edith bliver stillet ansigt til ansigt med den mand, hun engang drømte om, og Fies lillesøster, Ane, demonstrerer, at hemmeligheder ikke er forbeholdt hotellets gæster.
Wholesaler Madsen is close to completing the purchase of the cheap lumber that Molin has proposed to him. Meanwhile, Molin is desperately trying to hide that he is on the verge of bankruptcy and that the timber does not, as alleged, belong to one of his clients, but rather to himself, bought with the client's money but without his knowledge. At the same time, Molin has to make sure his beautiful wife stays away from actor Weyse. In return, good things happen for Amanda, who gets sold on an idea for a commercial featuring just Weyse. Meanwhile, manufacturer Frigh arranges a croquet tournament, Edith is put face to face with the man she once dreamed of, and Fie's little sister, Ane, demonstrates that secrets are not reserved for hotel guests.
Molin har fullt upp med att hålla skenet uppe samtidigt som han måste försöka hålla Weyse borta från sin fru. Amanda får en briljant idé och Frigh planerar en krocketturnering. Edith möter sina drömmars man.