Thom's story is one of the most emotionally wrenching for me personally because it's one of someone who did an awful lot of good for an awful lot of people and who then, sum total, suffered and hurt for the 10 years before he finally threw the whole thing out of his life. One of the expected anomalies in this documentary is that almost to a person, the result of the BBS era for people I interviewed were that it was "Good". They had a good time, they met good people, the end feeling they have of their time with BBSes is that they were enjoyable and full of good memories. This is not the case with everyone who used BBSes. There were, in fact, a number of people who would not agree to be interviewed because for them, the BBS story is one they would rather forget forever. Some people lost their livelihoods, their relationships, and even their freedoms because of BBSes, and they'd rather never deal with that part of their lives again.