Welcome To Strathmuir, a comedy pilot that was broadcast on BBC2 Scotland in 2007. Starring John Gordon Sinclair, this sitcom is set in an information bureau in Strathmuir, a small fictitious Scottish town on the fringes of the Highlands. The bureau is run by Andrew - a hugely optimistic 40-something man who believes Strathmuir to be the finest place on God's earth and is never happier than when selling the town, its amenities, and the surrounding area to tourists. Andrew is thwarted in his efforts promote Strathmuir by his assistant - Barry - a useless, lazy, spaced out young man. His other main difficulty in life centres around sacking Muriel, who runs the possessed cafe attached to the bureau. Andrew wishes to replace her with Sheena, an over-ambitious, misguided young woman - just out of college and back from the bright lights of Glasgow - wanting to prove how far in the world she has come from when she left the small town of Strathmuir. Andrew calls on the help of the village lawyer, Deepak, for guidance on how he can resolve his problems before Deepak leaves Strathmuir to sail the Seven Seas.
Name | Type | Role | |
Jack Docherty | Writer | ||
Moray Hunter | Writer |