Today's focus is on Rosie, a 4 day old reindeer who lives with her family in Ivvavik National Park in Canada. In Northern Europe, she would be called a reindeer but in North America and Canada she is a caribou which means 'one that shovels' because reindeer use their feet as snow shovels. Reindeer are travellers, always on the move. Before this time next year, Rosie will have covered 4000 kilometres, trekking between 19 and 55 kilometres a day. And when they want to, reindeer can run at 80 kilometres per hour. Rosie is well protected from the cold but finding food is her main challenge. Lichen is the most nutritious food reindeer can get during the winter. They rely on their noses and are able to sniff it out, even when it is buried under 60 centimetres of snow!