Uden selv at være klar over det bliver Eddie rodet ind i en 70 år gammel legende efter at have mistet sin unge partner under en mystisk redningsaktion af et spøgelse. Hobie prøver at hjælpe en ven med at finde et nyt hjem til hendes hund.
Eddies Partner Kirby ist tot. Kurz bevor er starb, hat er seinem Freund von der Begegnung mit einer geheimnisvollen Frau erzählt. Ein paar Tage später begegnet die Fremde auch Eddie. Aber keiner glaubt ihm. Außer Gina, die der mysteriösen Geschichte nachgeht.
When rookie lifeguard Kirby tells Eddie that he saw an apparition of a young girl in a nightgown running through the surf, Eddie doesn't believe him. Later on, Kirby is found dead in the water by Eddie and Cort.
Shortly after that, Eddie sees the same girl running down the beach. When he tells Mitch and Captain Thorpe about the girl, Thorpe is convinced that Eddie has lost his mind and sends him off to a psychiatrist. This upsets Eddie and revives some painful memories from his sister's drowning a couple of years back. She drowned in a pool back in Philadelphia. Eddie couldn't save her back then because he couldn't swim.
Later, while she is in a shop, Gina finds a painting that looks just like the woman Eddie described. When she shows it to Eddie, he is convinced that she is the same girl. A man named Escudero painted the painting way back in 1923. Escudero. The painting shows a lighthouse on fire at De Vargas Point. When Craig talks to Mitch, he finds out that there was a lighthouse a
Kirby raconte à Eddy qu'il a vu une jeune fille en chemise de nuit courir dans les vagues, et qu'elle a soudain disparu. On retrouve le corps de Kirby qui s'est noyé. Le soir, Eddy voit à son tour la même jeune fille. Craig, Gina et Shauni essayent d'éclaircir ce mystère, qui semble lié à l'incendie d'un phare au début du siècle
Un bagnino appena arrivato racconta a Eddie di aver visto quello che sembra un fantasma; di lì a poco viene trovato annegato. Tocca quindi a Eddie vedere la donna-fantasma; a questo punto Eddie è spaventato, ma nessuno gli crede e lui si trova a rivivere il trauma della morte della sorella, annegata qualche anno prima. Gina, però lo aiuta e, dopo aver trovato un dipinto, scoprono una triste storia riguardante Capo De Vargas. Frattanto Hobie cerca di salvare il cane dell'amichetta Katie.
Eddie cree que ve un fantasma en el agua, lo que hace que los demás crean que ha perdido la cabeza. Mientras tanto, Hobie ayuda a un amigo y a su mascota, que ha sido presuntamente atacada.