All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Raise the Roof

    • August 1, 2008
    • Planet Green

    They meet their opponents--each other--for the first time in New Orleans where they also find their first challenge. They quickly learn they are not in this battle alone, however, and after building their Battleground Earth (BE) teams, they compete to see who can be the first to build a cutting edge solar shelter in the Ninth Ward. Finally, they jam at Jazz Fest.

  • S01E02 Green Death

    • August 8, 2008

    Chris "Ludacris" Bridges and Tommy Lee come face-to-face with Gene Simmons in a dark and scary cemetery. He challenges them to throw green funerals for the death of Rock N' Roll and the death of Rap. They learn about the environmental dangers of the current burial practices used in the United States and green alternatives as well as the environmental impact their carbon footprints leave behind. They are also introduced to their rides for the tour - two biodiesel tour buses with all the bells and whistles

  • S01E03 Trash Talkin'

    • August 15, 2008

    Chris "Ludacris" Bridges and Tommy battle it out in Oakland by collecting garbage and recycling it. Tommy thinks he's ahead with his sheer mountain of trash while Luda's chillin' at an Oakland A's game with the students from Civi-Corps. Could Luda be running his own game on Tommy? Once the guys have turned in their trash they use the proceeds to create a football field for inner city kids and then everyone enjoys the fruits of their labors with a touch football game and concert in the park.

  • S01E04 Fast Fuel

    • August 22, 2008

    Tommy and Chris "Ludacris" Bridges roll into Texas with their buses on fumes. Rather than look for fuel they decide to party with the locals, chase mutton, and collect cow manure in a mini challenge that teaches them about alternative fuels like methane. Finally they pull into a burger joint where they compete to sell the most French fries so they can use the fry oil to power their tour buses. After a fierce food fight they are off to the next locale...

  • S01E05 You've Got Junk Mail

    • September 9, 2008

    People's mailboxes are inundated daily with unwanted junk mail and most of it ends up going directly in the trash. Tommy and Chris "Ludacris" Bridges are instructed to go out with their teams around Atlanta and collect the most junk mail in order to recycle it.