The SWISS ARMY KNIFE: An iconic knife that’s been an integral part of military culture for more than a hundred years, the Swiss Army Knife has been put in service around the world – and even in space. In a factory in the Swiss Alps, a machine exerting 40 tons of force punches the blades from strips of steel forged with chrome – a legendary blend which ensures a clean cut and a tool that’ll last a lifetime. In 1995 during his first mission into space, Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield used his standard issue Swiss Army knife to dock the space shuttle Atlantis to the Russian Space Station Mir. The SUB-MACHINE GUN: The Scorpion Evo 3 is a lightweight, compact submachine gun designed to be easily maneuvered in constrained spaces. Its operator can fire in single shots, semi-automatic three-round bursts, or unleash a torrent of fully automatic fire. This precision weapon requires a careful eye and steady hand in its manufacturing – each Scorpion is assembled by an expert and measured to the millimeter for a perfect gun with deadly accuracy. Sub-machine guns played a key part in the successful rescue op mounted by Britain’s Special Air Service during the 1980 Iranian Embassy siege in London. The BODY ARMOUR: Fenix body armour’s revolutionary design concept was developed in direct response to today’s soldiers needs, pulling from the experiences of special units operators in Iraq and Afghanistan within the last 10 years. Using a modern PVC suspension system that keeps the weight of its tough armoured vest off the shoulders of the wearer, this life-saver offers a soldier maximum protection with maximum range of motion. When Royal Marine Matthew Croucher hit a trip wire tied to a grenade during a patrol in Afghanistan in 2008 Croucher threw his backpack onto the grenade and dove onto it hoping his sacrifice would save the rest of his team. While the explosion tore up his gear, his body armour absorbed enough of the impact to save every member of his un