Ichino chases Akari, who is overwhelmed by Jesse and returns to her hometown. However, Akari tells her that she is not willing to return anymore to her who finally reunited with her thoughts. Still, Ichino desperately continues to persuade her, but at last the emotions of the two explode! Gentle words turn into screams that expose everything in her chest !!
ジェシーに身も心も打ちのめされ、故郷に逃げるように帰ったあかりを追う一乃。だが、やっとの思いで再会した彼女に対して、あかりはもう戻る気がないと語る。それでも一乃は必死に説得を続けるが、ついに2人の感情は爆発! 穏やかな言葉が、胸の内のすべてをさらけ出すかのような叫びに変わる!!