Game starts at @6:30 The Tomb of Erling Hardfoot is a single dungeon adventure written by me meant to launch a full campaign focused around finding magical relics for a quirky spell-caster. Cast: Saigan (DM) Perionan (Jory the Elven Magic-User) Reggie (Nagi the Elf Noble Battle-Mage) Stephanie (Papa Blessing the Elderly Human Cleric) John (Kief the Young Halfling Thief)
Had to start drawing out a regional map for this adventure. Kief's theft of the Helm last episode threw things off track and ultimately lead to me scrapping my original night 2 plans (life of a DM) and creating more of a wilderness adventure giving time for more character personalities to develop. (Audio levels were goofy this episode as the party was louder than usual. I'll make sure to catch that in editing next time.) Cast: Saigan (DM) Perionan (Jory the Elven Magic-User) Reggie (Nagi the Elf Noble Battle-Mage) Stephanie (Papa Blessing the Elderly Human Cleric) John (Kief the Young Halfling Thief)
In this episode Peri learns that the DM does not play favorites. I've also added an intro segment to cover the story thus far. Game starts @11:02 Cast: Saigan (DM) Perionan (Jory the Elven Magic-User) Reggie (Nagi the Elf Noble Battle-Mage) Stephanie (Papa Blessing the Elderly Human Cleric) John (Kief the Young Halfling Thief)
Last time the party took on a favor for Nagi's Uncle, Aramiil- the head of an Artifact Research Academy. A sword had gone missing before it could be processed. The party discovered a hidden passage beneath the school where they dealt with Hobgoblins and a Giant Spider. They barely survived an encounter with Doppelgangers, a dangerous psychic creature that can copy their victim in every way. Oddly, one of them was already dead. The sword was retrieved, but not before both Jory and Nagi were afflicted by its curse. Cast: Saigan (DM) Perionan (Jory the Elven Magic-User) Reggie (Nagi the Elf Noble Battle-Mage) Stephanie (Papa Blessing the Elderly Human Cleric) John (Kief the Young Halfling Thief)
With Nagi protected from the effects of the cursed sword and Jory's sanity back in check the crew is joined by an Assassin at Aramiil's request. They need to travel to Grindavik and learn about an ancient weapon that is rumored to be able to destroy any magic. Cast: Saigan (DM) Perionan (Jory the Elven Magic-User) Reggie (Nagi the Elf Noble Battle-Mage) Stephanie (Papa Blessing the Elderly Human Cleric) John (Kief the Young Halfling Thief) Cesar (Levon the Assassin)
Still on the road to Grindavik the party takes a break from their travels to investigate a cave with the words "Monder Lowe" chiseled into the entrance. Cast: Saigan (DM) Perionan (Jory the Elven Magic-User) Reggie (Nagi the Elf Noble Battle-Mage) Stephanie (Papa Blessing the Elderly Human Cleric) John (Kief the Young Halfling Thief) Cesar (Levon the Assassin)
The dungeon delve into Monder Lower continues. Cast: Saigan (DM) Perionan (Jory the Elven Magic-User) Reggie (Nagi the Elf Noble Battle-Mage) Stephanie (Papa Blessing the Elderly Human Cleric) John (Kief the Young Halfling Thief) Cesar (Levon the Assassin) Cassie (Oreo the Halfling Druid)
As the party closes in on Grindavik an out of season snow storm moves in with them. But there's more wrong in Grindavik than just the weather. Cast: Saigan (DM) Perionan (Jory the Elven Magic-User) Reggie (Nagi the Elf Noble Battle-Mage) Stephanie (Papa Blessing the Elderly Human Cleric) John (Kief the Young Halfling Thief) Cesar (Levon the Assassin) Cassie (Oreo the Halfling Druid)
**Lest We Forget Those We Lost** - Jean Keyes -
**Lest We Forget Those We Lost** - Jean Keyes - - Farmer Jimmy -
**Lest We Forget Those We Lost** - Jean Keyes - - Farmer Jimmy - - Lumenor -
**Remember the Fallen** - Jean Keyes - - Farmer Jimmy - - Lumenor - - Exeor - - Mars - - Jupiter -
**Remember the Fallen** - Jean Keyes - - Farmer Jimmy - - Lumenor - - Exeor - - Mars - - Jupiter - - Bregedur Belefang - - Fuzzwud Falcon-Sight - - Quinnan - - Vriz'kah Blackmane - - Rhak -
**Remember the Fallen** - Jean Keyes - - Farmer Jimmy - - Lumenor - - Exeor - - Mars - - Jupiter - - Bregedur Belefang - - Fuzzwud Falcon-Sight - - Quinnan - - Vriz'kah Blackmane - - Rhak - - O'Malley - - Mitch -