Home / Series / Barbarians Rising / Aired Order / Season 1 / Episode 3

Part 3: Birthright / Revenge

Barbaric resistance becomes a life and death fight against the Empire. The Germanic tribes are united for the first time around a single leader, Arminius, who organizes a masterful ambush to expel Rome from his native land. The Empire needs expansion to survive, and it targets the barbarian fortress of Britain, where the Celts fight the invasion with unprecedented ferocity. Boudica becomes leader of the Iceni, and when she and her daughters are brutally humiliated by the Empire, she vows to take merciless revenge with the help of various Celtic clans on the island. Boudica tries to crush Rome with his own wild game in one of the bloodiest rebellions in history. Centuries of costly barbarian wars have their consequences on the Empire and end the era of expansion. Meanwhile, a dark threat emerging from the east plunges the Roman border into chaos. The Goths seek refuge in the arms of their enemy, Rome, but find only treason. Wrong decisions by the Empire trigger the catastrophe in Adrianople.

  • Originally Aired June 13, 2016
  • Runtime 90 minutes
  • Network History
  • Created January 4, 2021 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified January 4, 2021 by
    Administrator admin