Who will win 'The Wig Man Wager'? (Who is wearing the wig and who has his own hair?) And for how long will Mr Shakehands be able to hold Donna Air's hand?
Two firemen have a 'last man standing' hose fight, and two modern day knights do battle in the Ye Olde Supermarket Trolley Jousting Tournament.
More unlikely challenges, including Peter Dean aka Pete Beale from Eastenders weighing his meat and two veg. Also, which of the five lovely ladies is actually a lovely lad? Place your bets...
John McCririck and Chris Quentin vie for the attention of a group of lovely ladies. Which girl will get lucky - and escape their advances?
This show features a sporting challenge, The Pretend Pole Vault Puzzle. Two of the competitors are shameful imposters and one is a genuine athlete, but who's who?
Featuring the Little Ted Fag Challenge, where Tiny Teddy boys compete to see who's the coolest smoker. Elsewhere, Declan Donnelly enjoys a brief(ish) encounter with Mr Shakehands Man.
The Battle of the Dishonourable Motor Car Celebrity Bandits features two car thieves competing in a low-rent variation of 'Gone in 60 Seconds'.
The final episode of this series sees Tara Palmer-Tomkinson completing a toast tossing challenge, but will this well-bred member of the upper crust pass the test?