Mashiro and Takagi both decide to rewrite their manga. Fukuda, Aoki and Nakai also rewrite their manga. Later Fukuda's manga is shown first with positive reviews. Next Mashiro and Takagi's manga is also shown with good reviews. Nakai panics and thinks that when Nizuma said that the winners were tied and there was a third place, he meant his manga. Then Aoki and Nakai's manga is shown with also positive reviews. All three series are okayed to begin work on names for serialization. Azuki said that she liked Mashiro and Takagi's manga, which gives Mashiro hope.
いよいよ「金未来杯」がスタート。「KIYOSHI騎士」「疑探偵TRAP」「hideout door」「カラフジカル」と掲載され、ライバル達の作品に一喜一憂する最高と秋人。
Nuestros mangakas terminan de perfeccionar sus trabajos y estos empiezan a ser publicados en Shonen Jack. El que mejor sea recibido por el público, ganará la Copa Futuro Dorado.
Jetzt wird’s spannend! Die Werke der Bewerber des Golden Future-Cups werden nacheinander veröffentlicht und von den Lesern bewertet.