Die Spieler des Schicksals sind Dan und Drago in die Doom-Dimension gefolgt. Dort bereiten sich die Herrscher der Elemente darauf vor, die Freunde herauszufordern.
In the Doom Dimension, the Legendary Ancient Warriors of Vestroia prepare to test the powers of the Brawlers, seeing if they are worthy enough to save Vestroia. The Brawlers are separated and Julie is left with Gorem to face the Subterra Warrior, Clayf, and a shadow of her perfect sister, Daisy. With help from Gorem, Julie learns that she isn't her sister and she can only do the best she can do. Because of this, Gorem evolves into Subterra Hammer Gorem, and defeats Clayf.
En la dimensión Doom, los legendarios guerreros antiguos de Vestroia se preparan para probar los poderes de los Brawlers, ven si son dignos para salvar a Vestroia. Los Brawlers se separan y Julie se queda con Gorem para hacer frente a los Warrior Subterra, Clayf y Daisy. Debido a esto, Gorem se transforma en Subterra Hammer Gorem, y derrota a Clayf.