Making breakfast for Kajal reflects a genuine apology of Advait. But Kajal already leaves Advait’s house. Here someone is blackmailing Arjun and asking for a lot of money saying she has the pic of Advait's mom's extra marital affairs. Advait finds Kajal crying in the garden of the office. Advait was taken a back when Kajal surprisingly told him not to have any enmity with Advait
Making breakfast for Kajal reflects a genuine apology of Advait. But Kajal already leaves Advait’s house. Here someone is blackmailing Arjun and asking for a lot of money saying she has the pic of Advait's mom's extra marital affairs. Advait finds Kajal crying in the garden of the office. Advait was taken a back when Kajal surprisingly told him not to have any enmity with Advait.