ニューヨークの埠頭にたたずむ廃工場。青い作業着に身を包んだ一人の少年、グラハム・スペクターはドラム缶に腰を 下ろし、滔々と講釈を垂れていた。血のこびりついた巨大なモンキーレンチを抱えながら。遡ること三年前。叔父のプラチド・ ルッソから車の部品を横流ししている工場経営者ヴァン・ダイクと話しをつけるよう命じられたラッド・ルッソは、ヴァンの自動車 工場を訪れる。見境なく銃を乱射するラッドに、モンキーレンチで銃撃を弾き返したのは、作業員のグラハムだった。一方、 グランド・セントラル駅にはフライング・プッシーフット号の代車から降りてきたある人物の姿があった。
In 1932, Graham Specter, a mechanic, is outraged, because he learns that someone (Claire) seriously injured Ladd. In 1929, Graham attacks Ladd for ruining a car that Graham wanted to dismantle. Although Ladd wins, he spares Graham's life, because he find them alike. In 1931, Elmer watches Firo, Ennis and Maiza greet Isaac, Miria and Czeslaw at the station, but does not talk to them. Later, Elmer visits Huey in prison. Although Elmer tries his best, he is unable to lift Huey's spirits. Huey asks him to find Chane and make her smile; he doubts that she will ever be happy again because of the dispassionate way he treated her when she was a child. Meanwhile, Graham plans to capture Jacuzzi and get his bounty from the Russos. To draw Jacuzzi out into the open, he plans to kidnap Eve. Meanwhile, Rachel is surprised to see Czeslaw alive. Czeslaw recognizes her and offers to tell her everything.