Tsubasa and B-Pro decide to throw a welcome party for KiLLER KiNG at MooNs's apartment. Everyone chips in to help with the preparations and they are introduced to "Lucas", an intelligent electronic speaker who takes care of the electronics in MooNs's apartment by commands. KiLLER KiNG eventually arrives and the party goes really well until "Lucas" malfunctions, causing a disruption with the electronics. Due to the malfuctions, the temperature suddenly increases causing the room to become extremely hot. While Momotaro and Tsubasa desperately try to repair "Lucas", the heat causes THRIVE and Haruhi to start freaking out. However, Haruhi unwittingly saves the day when he suddenly screams at "Lucas" in English to lower the temperature which the speaker complies to. This causes Momotaro to realise that "Lucas" had somehow been set to respond to commands in English. The episode ends with Tsubasa, B-Pro and KiLLER KiNG continuing to celebrate the welcome party.
KiLLER KiNGが加入し、14人となったB-PROJECTだったが、それぞれの仕事が忙しく、なかなか一緒にいる時間がとれずにいた。
そこでメンバー達は、KiLLER KiNGの歓迎会を開くことにするが、当日あることをきっかけに歓迎会は大変なことに!?