LORD HOWE ISLAND in the middle of the Tasman Sea, home to only 350 people and the worlds most southern coral reef is considered to be the most beautiful island in the Pacific, with its crystal blue lagoon, this pristine environment is endangered by pollution from the outside world and threatening the rare bird and marine life.
MACQUARIE ISLAND is located half way between Australia and Antarctica in the middle of the Southern Ocean, is home to a research base for Australias Antarctic Division. It is a World Heritage Area.
NORFOLK ISLAND, is a small island in the Pacific ocean between Australia, New Zealand and New Caledonia. With pristine views 360 degrees all round. It is a self-governing island and has a fascinating history of convicts and mutineers. Along with a quirky style of Government. Many of its people are direct descendents of Fletcher Christian and his bounty mutineers. A proud people, they have their own language and culture and celebrate their traditions on the annual Bounty Day.