This incredible amphibian lives up to 100 years of age, is virtually blind and can survive 10 years without food.
An incredibly rare and unique shrew-like mammal, this is one of only two mammalian species (both solenodons) able to inject venom into its prey through its teeth.
This species shares a similar niche to the anteaters of Africa yet has distinct evolutionary origins. Pangolins are adept climbers often sleep and hunt in the canopy. Their bodies are covered by scaly plates made from the same material as rhino horns.
A small carnivorous marsupial found across northern Australia. This species is threatened by the invasive cane toad. Interestingly, males are subject to the weird phenomenon of semelparity.
A small colourful frog with an enthralling approach to parental care. Males swallow their fertilised eggs and brood them inside oversized vocal sacks. Once froglets have metamorphosed they are vomited out by the father and left to fend for themselves.
An adorable squirrel sized monkey with a mane of hair surrounding its head. These highly endangered critters were believed extinct for over half a century before being rediscovered in Brazil in 1970.
The smallest and most threatened rhino species in the world, this species has a distinctive hairy appearance and is threatened by poaching and habitat loss. Fewer than 220 of these rare animals may survive in the wild.
Endemic to one tiny locality in northern Peru, this beautiful bird has evolved an incredible mating display in which males flourish two incredibly long tail feathers (spatules) to woo females.
This is one of the world largest butterfly species and its name refers to its almost bird-like appearance. It has a number of known sub-species, some of which are threatened by habitat loss.
The morphology of these deep sea glass sponges is just weird. Although a primitive form of animals, these sponges possess a glass-like skeleton formed of silica fibres woven into a vase shaped structure.