Das Roboterwrestling geht weiter. A106 schafft es ins Halbfinale, wird dabei jedoch ernsthaft beschädigt. Die Forscher müssen so schnell wie möglich Ersatzteile beschaffen.
After winning their first two fights the gang and Six are walking back to the room. However, instead, they're stopped by the people they've faced and by some that they will fight in the future. Luckily, this isn't a bad encounter though rather the other fighters are just curious about Six. While talking about how Six works, it becomes clear that something is wrong. Six's defibrillator has given out. They ask around for parts and are able to find a quick replacement. It doesn't last long though and gives out shortly after Six's new fight. Angry with how Six isn't listening and isn't as brutal as he wants, Tenma takes it out on Six. He talks about how Six is just a robot, and despite the fact that Six isn't at full strength, he insists on forcing him to fight. Calming that then it'll just prove what a poor robot he is when he's beaten. When all hope is lost though, help comes from an unlikely person.
相手にダメージを与えず、機能だけを停止させるという離れ技を見せたA106。完全自律思考型のその姿に会場だけでなく、出場者たちも熱狂する。ところがA106のボディは深刻なダメージを受けていた。体幹を支えるダイポールレギュレーターが焼き付いてしまったのだ。代わりの部品を探してお茶の水や俊作、茂斗子が駆けずり回る。果たして替えのパーツは見つかるのか! そして、その様子を静かに眺めているDr.ロロは…
Six accede alla semifinale, ma un importante componente che ne sostiene l'energia si brucia e Six non dispone più della potenza sufficiente per combattere.