Hiroshi und Umataro präsentieren ihre Forschungsarbeit an der Nerima Universität, um an Unterstützungsgelder zu kommen. Ran steckt währenddessen in Schwierigkeiten.
The same mummified humanoid stands in front of a billboard while he is assigned a target as A106; While back at lab 7 Hiroshi wakes up Ummataro as to get ready for their academic briefing sessions while Ran tries to seek into Nerima University to obtains spare parts from lab 7's junkyard there she runs into Motoko who was visiting Hiroshi she talks to Ran for a while, realizing she is Hiroshi's sister and how she collects spare parts to make robots soon it lands upon that Hiroshi must be at his regular briefing and she takes off. Meanwhile at briefing session lab 1 finishes its superb presentation impressing everyone except professor Saruta and Ummataro who remains confident about their presentation being better than others, While rest of the labs continue to screw up their presentations the humanoid reaches labs 7 and forces entry while Ran tries to intercept. The humanoid shifts target to Ran on commands of Dr. Lolo who turns of to controlling the robot and monitoring the situation via drone. Meanwhile Ummataro berates everyone at briefing calling them names and branding their works as fake which has no direction towards building an autonomous A.I. and goes on to brag goes their Bewusstsein system how it has bridged the gap as Hiroshi continues that how their A.I. integrates leading to ego consciousness leading to anonymity making everyone confused & giving a feeling of absurdity impresses no one except professor Saruta, Back lab Ran continues to dodge humanoid while A106 activates and comes to rescue in the end after paring a few blow with A106 it takes of when Hiroshi and Ummataro return Ummataro complaining about being stopped in middle of presentation to find the wrecked state of their lab.
国立練馬大学の大学院で定期報告会が開かれる。研究室の予算を決めるその大事な会議に、天馬午太郎とお茶の水博志も参加していた。他の研究室の報告を聞きながら、ライバル心を燃やす午太郎と無邪気な博志。そんなふたりが第7研究室を留守にしている間、そこに忍び込んでいる人影があった。ひとりはお茶の水の妹、蘭。もうひとりは第1研究室の天才、堤 茂理也の妹、茂斗子。そしてもうひとつ忍び寄る大きな影…。
Umataro e Hiroshi partecipano al consiglio di facoltà per presentare la loro teoria sull'intelligenza artificiale. Intanto, Six è minacciato da un misterioso individuo.